Sunday, September 23, 2012

Broccoli, Cheese, Leek, and Potato Soup

So it was a cool, fall day today and seemed like the perfect day for a thick, creamy soup.  On top of that, I went to the farmer's market yesterday and couldn't wait to use some of the awesome produce I bought!

I decided to make potato and leek soup.  Then I ran across a recipe for broccoli and cheese soup.  How was I supposed to make a decision like that?  I had a fresh leek and fresh broccoli from the market yesterday!  So they merged into a heavenly blend of favorite soups.  Here's the recipe (if you can call it that).  You are welcome.  ;)

Getting set up.

Oil in the pot!

Chop some onions (farmers market!)

In the pot.



GARLIC!  I did 4 large cloves.  I just rough chopped them.

Like this...

So far...

This is a leek.

Cut off the end.

Slice down the middle.

Dirt!  You have to rinse a leek out VERY well unless you want that in your soup.  There is a lot in all the pieces.  You can chop it and put it in water.  The sand will settle and you take out the leeks.  Or if you are in a rush, you just rinse them out well.


Use the white and light green parts.  The dark green parts are very strong tasting.

Now cut them up! 

Add the leeks.


Cooking down...

And make sure you add a little S&P after each veggie.

Time to deglaze the pot!  When you deglaze the pot or pan, it means you are adding cold liquid to a hot pan.  The liquid comes to a boil quickly and pulls the brown bits (called 'fond') off the bottom and into the food.  It's a great way to add flavor!  I would deglaze this with some stock or white wine (normal options).  I didn't have anything like that so I used water (lame - don't tell.)  PS:  I've had the burner on medium this whole time  but turned it up to high before I deglazed.

Time to add the potatoes.  I used yellow potatoes because that's what I had and I didn't peel them.

Add water to cover.

I do everything with a baby attached to me I think.

How do you get a picture without the flash on your face?

Not that good at mirror pics.

Haha... whatever.

This is what I really wanted you to see anyway :)

Isn't he darling?!

Ooh!  Smelling so good right now!

Using a potato masher and the Ov-Glove my sweet father in law got me for Christmas :)

Haha... I forgot I had an immersion blender.  Much easier than a potato masher.

Creamy and ready for cheese!  Shredded cheese, parmesan cheese, and an entire block of cream cheese.  Oh wait, is that bad for you?  Too late! 

Blend it up!

 Chop up some broccoli.  (Frozen is fine if you don't have fresh).


Add the broc.

 Cook until tender.

 This can happen to the bottom of the pot if you get so into the Lions game that you forget to keep stirring it.

Zechariah crumbled the goat cheese on the bowls.  This is him licking it off his hands. 

Mmmm... Chevre.

He started eating his soup before dad got back from the store with the french bread.  I told him to wait but he ate two bowls before Eric and Emily Jane got back.

Soooo good.

What's your favorite soup?  This is up there for me.  Everyone wants me to make it again.  It was a meal where Eric and I were both disappointed that we were full because we just wanted to be able to keep eating it.  It is SO good!  Are you going to try it?  I want to hear how it goes!

Remember, come 'LIKE' my facebook page.  I'll be doing a giveaway soon on that page so don't miss it!

Have fun cooking, friends!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Yay!  Today is the chalkboard blog!  I LOVE chalkboards!  I really love them.  I love them so much.

Okay.  You get it.

I don't know why I love chalkboards as much as I do.  It might be because they remind me of being a kid in school and wanting to write on the blackboard so much.  It makes me think of school and vintage and pretty.  I just love them.  I love them because you can do anything with them!  There are so many sweet ideas now of how to do them and what to do with them!  Here are the ones I've done!

These are all 5x7:

These are 8x10:

And these ones are a lot bigger!

See how different they can all be?  This next one is sold but I love the idea!

I still have this one though...

I sold this one but I really can't wait to do another one just like it!

This is the one I have in my kitchen...

See?  So fun!  My mother in law has a 6 pane window that's done like that and she always put seasonal/holiday/birthday greetings on it.  It's so cute!  My sister in law puts her weekly menu and schedule on hers.  There is just so much you can do :)  Here are some ideas I've found from other blogs...  What are you going to do with yours?

So think about it, friends!  Why do you need a chalkboard frame or something-or-other?

And remember, come 'LIKE' our facebook page!