Thursday, September 20, 2012

So productive = So much to do!

Yesterday I was really productive.  Like REALLY productive.  I got a lot done which means that now I have even more to do!  Here's what I picked up in the morning...

And here's what I got in the afternoon...

Needless to say, I think that one day of running around is going to keep me busy for quite a while!  I'm trying to decide what to do with each of these pieces and that is a much harder decision that I would have originally thought!  A couple of the smaller pieces are already sold and the other ones I think I know what I'm doing but I need some help on the dressers!  Does anyone have any ideas?  I want to appeal to many people but don't want to get boring with all white.  What do you think?  I see so much potential!  And all the pieces are solid wood in case you were wondering!  So... send me your ideas and requests!

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